Red Deer Catholic Regional Division No. 39
Casual Educational Assistant – Inclusion 1.0 FTESt. Lorenzo Ruiz Middle School P lease note that this opportunity is open to all applicants (internally and externally). The successful applicant will be responsible for academic support for a variety of students within our school population. The successful candidate will be working in a team of Support Staff to support the learning of a variety of students. Collaboration, compassion, communication and a willingness to take on new challenges are required skills for this position. In order to be considered for this position, you must upload a current Resume and Cover Letter to the job posting you are applying to. The Cover Letter and Resume must be a Microsoft Word or PDF file. If you are having trouble applying to this posting, please contact Apply To Education at 1-877- 900- 5627 or For instructions on how to create a Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools account, please click this link: