School District #23 (Central Okanagan)
The Central Okanagan School District No. 23 (Kelowna, B.C.) is looking for dedicated and enthusiastic professional educators for Full and Part-Time temporary contracts, and Teacher Teaching on Call positions in elementary music. Applicants must also be prepared to assume other teaching responsibilities in the core and/or elective areas commensurate with qualifications, experience and interests.
Applicants must :
have training and/or experience as a music and/or band teacher;
possess a British Columbia Professional Teaching Certificate;
be willing to work in a collaborative/team environment to implement BC's Education Plan and the Redesigned Curriculum;
be prepared to participate in the implementation of the school level Collaborative Model of Support and work to develop the School District Attributes for the 21stCentury in all students – Learner, Thinker, Innovator, Collaborator, and Contributor;
be prepared to use technology (e.g.: computers, Smartboards, digital portfolios, voice-mail, e-mail, web sites, MyEd BC) for planning, attendance monitoring, communication, classroom instruction and reporting purposes;
be prepared to work positively towards the fulfillment of the School and District goals;
Preference will be given to those applicants who :
have two years of successful classroom teaching experience in concert band, jazz band, choral, and other music programs;
have experience in differentiating and providing inclusive learning opportunities that reflect the unique needs and interests of all students;
have training/experience in the use of Quality Assessment practices (e.g.: differentiated instruction, criterion-referenced grading, Assessment For, As and Of Learning);
have a strong interest in innovation and inquiry;
have Indigenous ancestry (as per Special Program with the BC Human Rights Tribunal)
The starting annual salary for this teaching position ranges from $57,972 to $106,217, with placement on the range based on length of service and qualifications in accordance with the collective agreement.
Please contact Leanne Zorn at to inform her of your updated application.